Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Rise with it....

Hello everyone today is Wednesday and as you know by now Chloé and Dylan don't have school on Wed...So this morning I decided to take them all for a very long walk....1 and ½ h of country and farm land, it was a very beautiful morning...

These long walks are such therapy for me, Sometimes I get all caught up in my own stuff as we all do, the house, work, the kids, just simply overwhelmed, and taking the time to walk it off specially in such a surrounding is like a sort of renewal...I realise that every sunrise is like a new page, a new beginning, a chance to right ourselves and receive each day in all of its wonderful glory. As Opera says ''No matter what our troubles, when the earth turns on its axis one more time and we see what appears to be the sun rising, I feel it's the universe calling for a change in ourselves. You have one more day...Rise with it!''
I send all of you lots of energy and light...
Have a great day...
Kisses, Besos, Bisous
A Little message for my Caroline....

P.S. My Dear Caroline have a great safe trip tomorrow to China...We are all so proud of you, and we are with you everyday...You know if it's just too much you get on a plane and you head right home....we will be picking you up...
We will miss you, go get them girl!!!!!
MERDE!!!! Good Luck!!!!
A bien tôt

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